El tendedero

Martes, 07 Abril 2020 19:24


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Foto: Mónica Mayer

Como parte de las actividades de Bbeyond (grupo de artistas que realizan performance en el espacio público), Mónica Mayer fue invitada por elvira Santamaría a formar parte de Humanism in process: Female Performance Artists at Work 2 con la obra de El Tendedero, para lo cual Mayer ofreció un taller del 6 al 8 de mayo. Los asistentes principalmente fueron artistas de Bbeyond y fue mixto. Las discusiones en el taller derivaron a que el tema fuera la seguridad y la violencia. resultando las siguientes preguntas.

¿Sientes que tu "voz" es escuchada? ¿Por qué?
¿Te sientes segura donde vives? ¿Por qué?
¿Qué puedes hacer o qué has hecho para sentirte más segura?
¿Qué podrías hacer para fortalecer tu "voz" y la de otros?

Las respuestas se recolectaron en una estación del tren y en un parque, donde convivió con otra de las piezas de performance.


Visite el sigeuinte enlace para leer la crónica de la artista:

El Tendedero de Belfast por Mónica Mayer



-Humanism in Process: Editorial. Bbeyond. 3 de mayo de 2019

-Collapse the box: Mónica Mayer. Connor McKernan (entrevistador). NVTV. Local Tv for Belfast. Mayo 2019. (video)



 What coul you do to strengthen your own 'voice' and that of others?

Could you do 1 Could you do 2 Could you do 3 Could you do 5 Could you do 7 Could you do 9 Could you do 10 Could you do 11 Could you do 12 Could you do 13 Could you do 14 Could you do 15 Could you do 16 Could you do 17 Could you do 18 Could you do 19 Could you do 20 Could you do 21 Could you do 4 Could you do 6 Could you do 8 Could you do 22 Could you do 23 Could you do 24 Could you do 25 Could you do 26 Could you do 27 Could you do 28 Could you do 29 Could you do 30 Could you do 31 Could you do 32 Could you do 33 Could you do 34 Could you do 35 Could you do 36 Could you do 37 Could you do 38 Could you do 39 Could you do 40 Could you do 41 Could you do 42 Could you do 43 Could you do 44 Could you do 45


What canyou do, or what have you done to feel safer?

Feel safer 1 Feel safer 2 Feel safer 3 Feel safer 4 Feel safer 5 Feel safer 6 Feel safer 7 Feel safer 8 Feel safer 9 Feel safer 10 Feel safer 11 Feel safer 12 Feel safer 13 Feel safer 14 Feel safer 15 Feel safer 16 Feel safer 17 Feel safer 18  Feel safer 19 Feel safer 20 Feel safer 21 Feel safer 22 Feel safer 23 Feel safer 24 Feel safer 25 Feel safer 26 Feel safer 27 Feel safer 28 Feel safer 29 Feel safer 30 Feel safer 31 Feel safer 32 Feel safer 33 Feel safer 34 Feel safer 35 Feel safer 36 Feel safer 37 Feel safer 38 Feel safer 39 Feel safer 40 Feel safer 41 Feel safer 42Feel safer 43 Feel safer 44 Feel safer 45 Feel safer 46 Feel safer 47 Feel safer 48 Feel safer 49 Feel safer 50 Feel safer 51 Feel safer 52 Feel safer 53 

Do you feel safe where you live? Why?

Live 1 Live 2 Live 3 Live 4 Live 5 Live 6 Live 7 Live 8 Live 9 Live 10 Live 11 Live 12 Live 13 Live 14 Live 15 Live 16 Live 17 Live 18 Live 19 Live 20 Live 21 Live 22 Live 23 Live 24 Live 25 Live 26 Live 27 Live 28 Live 29 Live 30 Live 31 Live 32 Live 33 Live 34 Live 35 Live 36 Live 37 Live 38 Live 39 Live 40 Live 41 Live 42 Live 43 Feel safer 44 Live 45 Live 46 Live 47 Live 48 Live 49 Live 50 

Do you feel your "voice" is heard? Why?

Voice 1 Voice 2 Voice 3 Voice 4 Voice 5 Voice 6 Voice 7 Voice 8 Voice 9 Voice 10 Voice 11 Voice 12Voice 13 Voice 14 Voice 15 Voice 16 Voice 17 Voice 18Voice 19 Voice 20 Voice 21 Voice 22 Voice 23 Voice 24Voice 25 Voice 26 Voice 27 Voice 28 Voice 29 Voice 30Voice 31 Voice 32 Voice 33 Voice 34 Voice 35 Voice 36Voice 37 Voice 38 Voice 39 Voice 40 Voice 41 Voice 42Voice 43 Voice 44 Voice 45 Voice 46 Voice 47 Voice 48

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